Front-Office Intern (Rif. SAP/24)


Company Description

UPMC (University of Pittsburgh Medical Center) UPMC is a leading academic and insurance health system in the United States headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.

The Group is a leader in the development of effective and sustainable, people-centred healthcare services and clinical programmes.

UPMC Italy is the Italian division of UPMC – University of Pittsburgh Medical Center and operates in various locations (Campania, Lazio, Sicily), in the field of healthcare, biomedical research, telemedicine and, in general, in development activities and IT consultancy in fields related to medicine and research.

Working in UPMC Italy means operating in a dynamic and multicultural environment, based on dignity and respect for the person. A working environment with opportunities for personal development, oriented towards continuous improvement and excellence in the healthcare sector.

Our values

At UPMC, we are guided by shared values that guide our work and hold us accountable to each other. The values of "QUALITY AND SAFETY", "DIGNITY AND RESPECT", "CARING AND LISTENING", "RESPONSIBILITY AND INTEGRITY", "EXCELLENCE AND INNOVATION" play a fundamental role in creating a positive experience for our people, for patients and the community.

UPMC Salvator Mundi International Hospital (SMIH) has operated in Rome since 1951 and is the city's first international private hospital. Having joined the UPMC network in 2018, it is a point of reference for Italian and international patients for a wide range of services, including First Aid, diagnostics, orthopaedics, women's health, precision, robotic and minimally invasive surgery. The clinic is equipped with operating rooms, analysis laboratories and state-of-the-art tools; our multilingual staff is highly qualified to offer innovative care and treatments with maximum safety and comfort.


The candidate will be placed in the clinical secretariat/hospitalization acceptance/reservation area of the Salvator Mundi International Hospital. Supporting the Reception and the Booking and Reservation Office, he/she will undertake a training course on entering data into the management system, taking care of the process of booking visits and exams. Furthermore, he/she will provide support for the opening of insurance practices and for providing general information both by telephone and in person to patients.


  • High School Diploma/ bachelor’s degree
  • Excellent knowledge of English language
  • Predisposition for interpersonal relationships
  • Proactivity and problem solving
  • Good knowledge of the Office package
  • Confidentiality, accuracy, punctuality and precision

Other information

According to Italian Legislative decree 198/2006, this call is open to all people of any gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, age, ethnicity, religious belief and physical ability.

Only applicants not excluded under the provisions articulated in Legislative decree 165/2001, art. 53, para. 16-ter, and subsequent modifications and amendments, can participate in this selection. (General rules on the organization of work employed by public administrations).

UPMC Italy reserves all and widest discretion regarding the evaluation of applications as well as their suitability.

Remboursement: euro 800, 00

Please do not enter certified e-mail addresses (PEC) in the "e-mail" field of the online form, but only e-mail addresses..

After reading the privacy statement and, if necessary, authorizing the processing of their personal data [EU Regulation 2016/679], applicants (Law 903/77) are requested to fill out the online application form.

Already registered? Login with your account

Not registered? Complete the form

The operating system you are using causes the expiration of the uploaded files within one minute: we recommend you to upload the attachments as the last step before sending the application. Otherwise you will be asked to upload the files every 60 seconds.

Inserisci per primo il titolo di studio più recente. Per aggiungere ulteriori titoli, fai clic su "+ aggiungi studi". Se sei un medico, ti invitiamo a inserire sia la specializzazione che la laurea.

RELATIONSHIP is the legal relationship that exists between people who descend from the same lineage (Art. 74 Civil Code) and therefore linked by a bond of consanguinity. For the purposes of determining the bond, the following are distinguished: - the straight line unites the people of whom one descends from the other (e.g. father and son, grandfather and grandson); - the collateral line unites people who, despite having a common lineage, do not descend from each other (e.g. brothers, uncle and nephew). The degrees are counted by calculating the people and removing the jamb: for example, between father and son there is first degree kinship; between brothers there is second degree kinship (son, father, son = 3; 3 – 1 = 2); between grandfather and grandson, second degree relationship (grandfather, father, son = 3; 3 – 1 = 2); between cousins fourth degree kinship and so on. AFFINITY is the bond that unites a spouse and the relatives of the other spouse. Therefore, brothers-in-law, father-in-law and daughter-in-law, etc. are similar. To establish the degree of affinity, the degree of kinship with which the relative is linked to the spouse is taken into account, so mother-in-law and daughters-in-law are related in the first degree; brothers-in-law are second-degree relatives, etc.

Criminal records
Pending charges

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Pursuant to art. 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679 (“GDPR”) the following are data controllers for staff selection processes carried out with the Inrecruiting platform, each solely with reference to personal data within their competence:

-        ISTITUTO MEDITERRANEO PER I TRAPIANTI E TERAPIE AD ALTA SPECIALIZZAZIONE S.r.l., in the person of its director Angelo Luca, vested with the necessary powers under resolution of the Board of Directors dated 6 April 2016 and with power of attorney certified by Notary Public Du Chaliot of 25 July 2016, with registered office in Palermo, Discesa dei Giudici 4, fiscal code, VAT number, and enrollment in the Register of companies of Palermo n. 04544550827;

-        .UPMC ITALY S.r.l.,in the person of the chairman of its board of directors, Giuseppe Dell’Acqua, with registered office in Palermo, Discesa dei Giudici 4, fiscal code, VAT number, and enrollment in the Register of companies of Palermo n. 04532690825,  in the capacity of joint controller for personal data processing carried out at ISMETT, and data controller for personal data processing of UPMC ITALY, the Italian subsidiary of the UPMC Group in Pittsburgh (U.S.A.);

-        SALVATOR MUNDI INTERNATIONAL HOSPITAL S.r.l., in the person the chairman of its board of directors, Giuseppe Dell’Acqua, with registered office in Rome, Viale delle Mura Gianicolensi 67, fiscal code, VAT number, and enrollment in the Register of companies of Rome n. 09023871008.


Personal data included in your CV and any other information obtained during the selection (e.g., certifications, documents, and application form) will be processed for the sole purpose of assessing your possible collaboration with, or hiring by ISMETT, UPMCI or SMIH, depending on which of the companies will act as employer or on the subject with whom you will enter a working relationship.

 Data will be processed using electronic tools and hard copy forms with appropriate modalities that guarantee their safety and confidentiality, thus complying with the provisions of the GDPR. The legal basis of your data processing is described in art. 6.1(b) of the GDPR ("processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party or in order to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract").

Your data are mandatory to evaluate your application, therefore failure to provide them may preclude this evaluation. Your CV should only contain data necessary to assess your professional profile, and should not include information defined by the GDPR as "special categories of personal data" (e.g., information on your health, political opinions, trade union membership) that require your explicit consent as legal basis for their processing under art. 9.2(a) of the GDPR, "explicit consent of the data subject to processing"). Therefore, should you require it is necessary to provide special categories of personal data , please tick the box below. If you wish to provide special categories of personal data, you may do so only with the consent provided ticking the appropriate box in the application form. The legal basis for this processing is art. 6.1(a) in connection with art. 9.2(a) of the GDPR (data subject consent).

Should no consent be provided, the special categories of data included in the CV (e.g., inclusion in protected categories) will be stored in accordance with the law only to preserve the integrity of the document containing the data, but will not be used for further purposes.

With reference to career opportunities specifically addressed to individuals included in protected category, if you are included in a so-called "protected category" and you intend to avail yourself of the benefits under Law 68/99, the consent will no longer be required as data processing is carried out according to art. 6.1(b) of the GDPR("Performance of a contract to which the data subject is party") in connection with art. 9.2(b) of the GDPR("Processing is necessary for the purposes of carrying out the obligations and exercising specific rights of the data subject in the field of employment").

In case of a spontaneous application, your personal data will be stored for a maximum period of one (1) month in the case of a paper CV, or five (5) years in the case of an electronic CV, starting from the date of receipt or from the date of communication of the last updated CV. In case of participation in a selection, the documentation (e.g., CV, assessment forms, tests, candidate forms) are filed for five (5) years from the date of closure of the selection, to participate in other selections, and for 10 years for any protection in court of the rights of the data controllers. In this case, the legal basis of the processing is art. 6.1(b) of the GDPR ("Processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party or in order to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract") and, as regards the exemption from the prohibition of processing of special categories of personal data, by art. 9.2(f) of the GDPR ("Processing is necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of a right in court"). This period will start from the end of the year in which the call for application was published. Your personal data may be processed by employees and consultants of each data controller in charge of the staff selection, acting in compliance with specific instructions on objects and purposes of data processing. Your personal data may also be disclosed to third parties such as, for example, recruiting companies appointed data processors, and providing ancillary or instrumental services to the data controller. 

In addition to accessing application profiles for its job vacancies, each data controller reserves the right to access profiles for job vacancies published by the other companies of the UPMC Group - each of which designated as data controller - in order to exchange information within the UPMC Group and facilitate the matching of job vacancies and job requirements based on the profiles of the candidates; the transfer of personal data of candidates within the UPMC Group is a legitimate interest of the data controller under art.6.1(f) in consideration of Recital 48 of the GDPR (“Controllers that are part of a group of undertakings or institutions affiliated to a central body may have a legitimate interest in transmitting personal data within the group of undertakings for internal administrative purposes, including the processing of clients' or employees' personal data”).

Due to the collaboration with the UPMC Group in Pittsburgh (U.S.A.), we inform you that your data may be transferred to the United States of America. Due to the fact that legislation in the U.S.A. does not guarantee, according to EU regulations, an adequate level of personal data protection, by signing the Standard Contractual Clauses approved by the European Commission, the UPMC Group commits to enforce safety measures to protect transferred personal data. A copy of these contractual clauses can be obtained contacting the DPO at the addresses indicated below. The data will not be disseminated in any way.

The DPO at ISMETT can be reached at:[email protected];

The UPMCI DPO can be reached at: [email protected];

 The SMIH DPO can be reached at: [email protected]

As a data subject, you have the right to obtain from the data controller authorization to access, rectify or delete, and to limit or deny the processing of your personal data (art. 15 et seq., GDPR).  When data processing is carried out on the basis of your consent, you may decide to withdraw it at any time. These rights can be exercised by a simple request forwarded to the DPO at each data controller at the addresses indicated above, or contacting the data controllers at [email protected] and [email protected]. A template of the request is available from the Italian Data Protection Authority ("Garante") here.

Should you deem your personal data has been processed in breach of the GDPR, you have the right to file a complaint to the Italian Personal Data Protection Authority ("Garante") pursuant to art. 77 of the GDPR or to bring action before the appropriate courts (art. 79 of the GDPR). 

Last update: October 2023

(If you do not accept, your request cannot be processed)

La/Il sottoscritta/o dichiara, sotto la propria personale responsabilità, di non trovarsi nelle condizioni di cui al comma 16-ter dell’Art. 53 del D.Lgs. n. 165/2001 e s.m.i., il quale così recita:

I dipendenti che, negli ultimi tre anni di servizio, hanno esercitato poteri autoritativi o negoziali per conto delle pubbliche amministrazioni di cui all’articolo 1, comma 2, non possono svolgere, nei tre anni successivi alla cessazione del rapporto di pubblico impiego, attività lavorativa o professionale presso i soggetti privati destinatari dell’attività della pubblica amministrazione svolta attraverso i medesimi poteri. I contratti conclusi e gli incarichi conferiti in violazione di quanto previsto dal presente comma sono nulli ed è fatto divieto ai soggetti privati che li hanno conclusi o conferiti di contrattare con le pubbliche amministrazioni per i successivi tre anni con obbligo di restituzione dei compensi eventualmente percepiti e accertati ad essi riferiti.

• che non è mai stata pronunciata, nei confronti del/la sottoscritto/a, sentenza di condanna passata in giudicato, ovvero di sentenze di applicazione della pena su richiesta ai sensi dell'art. 444 del codice di procedura penale per qualsiasi reato che incida sulla affidabilità morale e professionale;

• di non aver subito sanzioni interdittive di cui all’art.9, comma 2, lett.c) del D.Lgs.231/2001 o altra sanzione che comporti il divieto di contrarre con la pubblica amministrazione

(If you do not accept, your request cannot be processed)

La/Il sottoscritta/o dichiara:

- Di avere preso visione dell'annuncio relativo alla selezione (ove applicabile).

- Di essere in possesso dei requisiti richiesti nell'annuncio stesso (ove applicabile).

- Che i dati riportati nella candidatura sono veritieri.

- Che gli atti di selezione sono atti societari interni riservati e non ostensibili.

- Che le informazioni relative alla selezione verranno comunicate attraverso la modalità indicata nell'annuncio.

(If you do not accept, your request cannot be processed)